Rollin' Roulettes

Rollin' Roulettes
2010 Team

Friday, April 16, 2010

another thing---

Tonight is bowling night!! Love being on the league, and still dream of someday becoming a professional bowler. My roller derby skates and my bowling shoes match!! Love it.

Forgotten Blog---

As with so many of my projects that I start and stop, this blog completely left my consciousness.  Luckily, in lab today the assignment was to create a blog.  I will at least re-invent my blog to match up to the newly re-invented me. 

So what's new?

I'm full time at UC Merced!! This is my first semester and I have decided to make an attempt at Solar Engineering---here's to starting all over!! Guess I really should have kept going with those pesky math and science classes.

I'm playing roller derby with the Merced Rollin' Roulettes and I friggin' love love love it. My roller derby name is Auntie Maim, which is based on my favorite character in the world--Auntie Maime.

Last but not least, we are going back to Kauai in May. So excited---if you want to see where we are headed, check out the slide show on the bottom. It is from our last trip there.
