Rollin' Roulettes

Rollin' Roulettes
2010 Team

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today's though

For relationships to function, we must be truthful, and willing to look at every difficulty as an opportunity to learn and evolve.

Today, look to see who you're struggling with and sit with this thought, "What has this person come to teach me?" It is so exhilarating to learn that what we fear the most is what is inside of us.

So...what am i fearing and having difficulty with?  It is the worry that we are going to go on the same unhappy way.  I don't know how to control my disappointment and fear.  I get so depressed, and yet I have to remember and maintain that even if we disagree with a choice, we have to continue to love.  The question though is what am I being taught?  I guess what pops into my mind is that only I myself can make me happy.  I have to try and reach in there every single day and try to make it the best.  I know that I think that I'm not judgmental, but my worry often turns into that.  It's hard to get past makes me rethink so much.  I don't want to be an enabler.  I think I've done okay handling my emotions...could do better.  I've said what is on my mind and my worries.  I hope it gets balanced with a realization that it's just my worry talking and it not being a defeatist attitude. 

My fear is loving someone who can't seem to love himself and all the mess that comes with it.  So does that mean that I fear that I am truly not loved?  That is true that I have often felt this far as being loved for who I TRULY am...not just what I can do or how dependant we are on each other.  I guess I still have a long way to go as far as declaring..."this is who I truly am. Love it or leave me."  It was definitely worth the thought.

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