Rollin' Roulettes

Rollin' Roulettes
2010 Team

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 8

When you plant a seed in the ground, does it instantaneously bear fruit? Of course not. You wouldn't expect it to, either. All things that bear fruit stay hidden for a time. This is a universal truth in both the physical and spiritual worlds. It's called conceal to reveal.

Today, don't judge yourself by the fruits you bear but by the seeds you put in the ground. of my many personality faults...impatience.  Actually it's the extreme of impatience swinging into complete debilitating laziness.  As always, this reminds me to try and find a balance....which always kind of makes me feel uneasy, because in my mind I feel that everything should be gone after with all the zeal as possible.  This of course probably is the reason for my severe burnouts, depressions, and illnesses.  I hope I have planted that seed of balance, and it will be eventually revealed.

Just a thought though...I recently did have a nice little surprise (fruit).  I was invited to join the Alpha Gamma Sigma California Community College honor society.  Here's to hoping that this will help me fund and/or get into the UC Merced.  Still haven't heard anything from them. :( 

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday, Sept. 2

So why do so many people walk around hating themselves? There is a truth to this statement that only you can tell if it is real or not.

Today, wrap your arms around yourself and say, "I love you." I know, more cheese. But please do it anyway. And keep doing it until you mean it.

This is so true in my opinion, and it seems to cause more problems in the world than anything else.  People feel bad about themselves and try to measure up to what society, parents, schools, religions think they should be.  We all have different roles...there is a reason we are all wired differently and add that to our experiences (both good and bad) we all have a destiny that really is never clear.  One of my crazy thoughts is using the Adam and Eve story that Sin is the first time that they felt shame.  They were ashamed of who they were and started trying to cover up and hide who they really were.  If we could all just truly revert back to our true nature and recapture our true selves, what a different place it would it be.  Do I think this is  But, I like to dream about it.

Tuesday, Sept. 1

How many times have a good friend or family member offended us and we cut them out of our life. It's like all those good times we've shared, and all the moments they saved our you-know-what doesn't matter.

Fortunately the Light doesn't have such a short memory. It keeps account of the sum total of all we've done in our life and doesn't single out the negative - as we're prone to do. The Light judges our lives based on the net value of the love we've shared with others.

Let's strive to have this same consciousness with our friends and loved ones today.

Thank goodness something is keeping track, since it seems I have the opposite problem of not remembering and cycling through the same patterns over and over again.  Balance has never been my forte even though I do try and work on it.  Luckily I have friends like Oleta who can give me perspective and who has an uncanny gut feeling about what's really going on.