Rollin' Roulettes

Rollin' Roulettes
2010 Team

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 8

When you plant a seed in the ground, does it instantaneously bear fruit? Of course not. You wouldn't expect it to, either. All things that bear fruit stay hidden for a time. This is a universal truth in both the physical and spiritual worlds. It's called conceal to reveal.

Today, don't judge yourself by the fruits you bear but by the seeds you put in the ground. of my many personality faults...impatience.  Actually it's the extreme of impatience swinging into complete debilitating laziness.  As always, this reminds me to try and find a balance....which always kind of makes me feel uneasy, because in my mind I feel that everything should be gone after with all the zeal as possible.  This of course probably is the reason for my severe burnouts, depressions, and illnesses.  I hope I have planted that seed of balance, and it will be eventually revealed.

Just a thought though...I recently did have a nice little surprise (fruit).  I was invited to join the Alpha Gamma Sigma California Community College honor society.  Here's to hoping that this will help me fund and/or get into the UC Merced.  Still haven't heard anything from them. :( 

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