Rollin' Roulettes

Rollin' Roulettes
2010 Team

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday, Sept. 2

So why do so many people walk around hating themselves? There is a truth to this statement that only you can tell if it is real or not.

Today, wrap your arms around yourself and say, "I love you." I know, more cheese. But please do it anyway. And keep doing it until you mean it.

This is so true in my opinion, and it seems to cause more problems in the world than anything else.  People feel bad about themselves and try to measure up to what society, parents, schools, religions think they should be.  We all have different roles...there is a reason we are all wired differently and add that to our experiences (both good and bad) we all have a destiny that really is never clear.  One of my crazy thoughts is using the Adam and Eve story that Sin is the first time that they felt shame.  They were ashamed of who they were and started trying to cover up and hide who they really were.  If we could all just truly revert back to our true nature and recapture our true selves, what a different place it would it be.  Do I think this is  But, I like to dream about it.

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